Help the Cause
help the cause
what we do
Here at the grand ol' place known to some as we provide free content and free hosting, free of banner ads and pop-ups, to the full extent of our dot org name. We much prefer to offer these things as such so, if for nothing else, we don't have to deal with financing, but even still, a great deal of this if just for you, the loyal website goer.
what you can do

As you can see, this content I speak of doesn't particularly exist, mainly the reviews. It is our hope to someday provide manya quality reviews for the viewing masses to read and enjoy, as well as many other forms of content that we find will be useful to all.

The problem is, I don't foresee us making that kind of progress any time soon, most likely due to the lack of people involved here. What we need of you, the willful helper, is to take this opportunity to show the world your stuff and fill that gap of talent.

Please, contact us at, and submit to the cause. You will not go unnoticed, your talents will be heard. All will be joyous.
more you can do

If you don't feel that you're quite up to the task of web building and content creating but have a willing wallet, don't hesitate to support this infant site. Websites are not cheap. maintaining a site with no profit can surely take a blow to the finance, meaning every cent comes from our pockets. Donations would be greatly appreciated and would curtainly be honored as such in a very special page just for you donators.
You can use the PayPal button bellow to donate.
Removed for security purposes.
PayPal is one of the most trusted payment methods on the web today. Used widely for eBay transactions, PayPal is surely safe enough for a little site support. Payments will be made to me, Zeff Svoboda, but I assure you that every penny donated towards the site will be used for just that. Be sure to add " Donation" into the "Payment for" field so that I will be sure of its intent.

Thank you,
Zeff Svoboda
home you must go